Wednesday, September 18, 2013


27 has been a year of lessons and growth for me. I took a big chance and moved to a new state, started a new job, and left my friends and family for the unknown. The risk has paid off tremendously. This year I have learned that I’m stronger than I ever realized- life is hard; it can bring a lot of challenges you aren’t expecting. I have cried, I have been depressed, I’ve been lonely and missed home, but I stood my ground and worked through all of these emotions. Below are a few of the lessons I have learned this year and am happy to be taking with me into my 28th year:

Friendship- Friendship is a 2 way street. I have had lots of friends fade away since my move from Arizona. People I thought would be in my life forever have slipped away. I have no resentment. I have learned that the people who make an effort and truly love you no matter how far away you move are the ones you want to hold on to. The true friends I have are amazing and have helped me get through this past year with endless encouragement and kind words. Tawni, Angela, Krystle, Lauren, Antonio, Mel T (Now Mel M. )… You guys have been amazing and I will always remember the kindness and loyalty you have shown when I needed it most! Thank you.

Family- Family is the one constant in my life that I am so incredibly grateful for. My mom and dad have been beyond supportive and have visited me numerous times here in San Diego. Ash- our Skype dates have brightened many a Saturday for me. Cards, phone calls, text messages- you guys always lift me up and encourage me when I need it most. I am so blessed.

Dating-  Oh my goodness. This one has been an experience. I have been on more dates this year than all the years of my life combined. I have enough horror stories to fill a book two times over. (One guy answered his phone during our date and told his wife he was still working and there was no need for her to cook dinner- I left immediately) With every date I have learned something new. With every experience I have been taught what I want, how I want to be treated, and that I will NOT settle. Life is hard enough without someone making it harder. I never realized how sane I am and what an amazing catch having a job, car, and residence makes me until I started online dating.

Change- Change used to scare me – I am learning to embrace it. I love where I am right now and I wouldn’t be here if I hadn’t accepted the possibility of change.

San Diego- Oh San Diego… I love you. At first I missed home so much I had to keep telling myself “just give it a year, give it a year” now, I can’t imagine ever leaving. November will be my 1-year anniversary here and I am signing another 12-month lease.  There is nothing like watching a sunset on dog beach while my weens run and play in the waves. I love my new simple life and routines.. Coffee Bean and the beach on Saturday mornings, Kettlebells 3 times a week, hanging out with my new friends BBQ’ing and using the hot tub, taking my dogs to the apartment dog park.  Xochi and Brandyn- you guys are truly amazing.  You were my first friends here in California and have welcomed me with open arms. I love you both so much.

27 has been hard, it’s been wonderful, it’s been eventful. I have learned a lot, grown as a person, developed professionally, and made a lot of new friends and A LOT of memories. 28 is going to have a lot to live up to. J